At the end of Week 2 day 1, you should have a gentle introduction to Ruby
- Learning Ruby
- We need to cover the first 7 sections
- Introduction
- Getting Started With Ruby
- Data And Variables
- Operators And Expressions
- Decisions
- Repetition
- Methods
When you are finished watching the videos. You should be able to finish the portions of the Ruby Koans covered in the videos. You may refer to the videos as many times as you need until you gain a mastery of the subject. You may also choose to consult the manuals below if something is unclear.
If you need additional reading material, you can check out the following manual.
At the end of Week 2 day 2, you should be finishing up your introduction to Ruby
- Learning Ruby
- We need to cover the first 7 sections
- Classes And Objects
- Inheritance
- Modules
- Exception Handling
- Input And Output
- Debugging Ruby
- GUI Programming In Ruby
- Wrap-Up
When you are finished watching the videos. You should be able to finish the remaining sections in the Ruby Koans that were covered in the videos. You may refer to the videos as many times as you need until you gain a mastery of the subject. You may also choose to consult the manuals below if something is unclear.
Download Ruby Koans
List of All Ruby Koan problems
- aboutarrayassignment.rb
- about_arrays.rb
- about_asserts.rb
- about_blocks.rb
- aboutclassmethods.rb
- about_classes.rb
- about_constants.rb
- aboutcontrolstatements.rb
- aboutdiceproject.rb
- about_exceptions.rb
- aboutextracredit.rb
- about_hashes.rb
- about_inheritance.rb
- about_iteration.rb
- aboutjavainterop.rb
- aboutkeywordarguments.rb
- aboutmessagepassing.rb
- about_methods.rb
- about_modules.rb
- about_nil.rb
- about_objects.rb
- aboutopenclasses.rb
- aboutproxyobject_project.rb
- aboutregularexpressions.rb
- aboutsandwichcode.rb
- about_scope.rb
- aboutscoringproject.rb
- about_strings.rb
- about_symbols.rb
- abouttostr.rb
- abouttriangleproject.rb
- abouttriangleproject_2.rb
- abouttrueand_false.rb
If you need additional reading material, you can check out the following manuals.
Week 2 day 3 is designed to give you your first hands on experience with Ruby.
- Create a account.
Solve the following "easy Difficulty" challenges using Ruby.
- First Reverse
- First Factorial
- Longest Word
- Letter Changes
- Simple Adding
- Letter changes
- Simple Adding
- Letter Capitalize
- Simple Symbols
- Check Nums
After solving those simple problems. You should have gained some more hands on experience with Ruby.
The next step will be to learn Cucumber and use BDD (behavior-driven development) in order to solve the next 10 problems.
Learning Cucumber
- See your manager in order to get a copy of the manual: "The Cucumber Book by Matt Wynne and Aslak Hellesoy
We'll need to spend the rest of the day covering the following content in "The Cucumber Book"
- Why Cucumber?
- Automated Acceptance Tests
- Behaviour-Driven Development
- Living Documentation
- How Cucumber Works
- What We Just Learned
- First Taste
- Understanding Our Goal
- Creating a Feature
- Creating Step Definitions
- Implementing Our First Step Definition
- Running Our Program
- Changing Formatters
- Adding an Assertion
- Making It Pass
- What We Just Learned
- Gherkin Basics
- Format and Syntax
- Feature
- Scenario
- Comments
- Spoken languages
- What We Just Learned
- Why Cucumber?
We are going to spend the rest of the day Finishing up The following chapters in the cucumber book.
- Step Definitions: From the Outside
- Steps and Step Definitions
- Capturing Arguments
- Multiple Captures
- Flexibility
- Returning Results
- What We Just Learned
Expressive Scenarios
- Background
- Data Tables
- Scenario Outline
- Nesting Steps
- Doc Strings
- Staying Organized with Tags and Subfolders
- What We Just Learned
When Cucumbers Go Bad
- Feeling the Pain 86
- Working Together 89
- Caring for Your Tests 97
- Stop the Line and Defect Prevention 105
- What We Just Learned 106
Step Definitions: On the Inside
- Sketching Out the Domain Model 112
- Removing Duplication with Transforms 117
- Adding Custom Helper Methods to the World 120
- Organizing the Code 128
- What We Just Learned 131
Now that we have a solid foundation with Ruby and Cucumber.